Block Diagram of Computer - Degree 1st Sem FIT

Block Diagram of Computer - Degree 1st Sem FIT

Block Diagram explains the structure of the Computer System. This diagram helps us to grab the information about the CPU. A block diagram is a graphical representation of a system, in which the components are represented as blocks and the relationships between them are represented as connecting lines. It is used to depict the structure, function, and interactions of the components in a system.
fundamentals of information technology, block diagram of a computer, degree 1st sem fit, FIT Syllabus

Block Diagram:

A computer can be comprised of 3 parts. They are 
1. Input Unit
2. Central Processing Unit
3. Output unit

1. Input Unit:

The input unit passes the data digitally to the CPU using various Inputs. Such as -

A. Keyboard 

A keyboard is the most commonly used input device for entering text, numbers, and commands.

B. Mouse

 A mouse is used to point and select items on the computer screen, as well as perform various actions such as clicking and dragging.

C. Touchpad 

A touchpad is a pointing device found on laptops that allow users to control the cursor by moving their finger on its surface.

D. Scanner

 A scanner is used to digitize physical documents, photos, or other images.

E. Microphone 

A microphone can be used to input audio into the computer, for example, for speech recognition or recording.

F. Joystick 

 A joystick is a gaming device used to control movement and actions in video games.
7. Digital Camera - A digital camera can be used to input images into the computer for processing, storage, and display.

Among these, mostly used inputs are mice and keyboards. The information provided through inputs can be stored thoroughly in a memory unit. 

2. CPU (Central Processing Unit)

CPU is the heart and brain of the computer system. It plays some major functions such as -

1. Executing instructions for a computer program
2. Performing arithmetic and logical operations
3. Controlling the flow of operations in the computer
4. Interacting with memory and I/O devices.
5. Performs all calculations

Components of CPU

A. Control Unit (CU):

This component is responsible for fetching and executing instructions in a computer program. It directs the flow of data and commands within the CPU and to other components. The control unit acts as the "brain" of the CPU and ensures that the computer operates in an orderly and efficient manner. The performance of the control unit can have a significant impact on the overall speed and performance of the computer system.

B. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):

This component performs arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as logical operations such as comparison and decision-making.

C. Registers:

Registers are small, high-speed memory storage units within the CPU that store data temporarily during processing. The CPU uses registers to hold data being processed, as well as to store addresses of memory locations.

3. Output Unit:

Output units Provide the output that a user needs. Output units that we use in our regular lives are listed below. These Outputs can be obtained only through proper inputs.

Monitor: displays visual output in the form of text, images, and video.

Printer: produces a hard copy of the output, such as a document or a photo.

Speaker: outputs audio information.

Projector: projects the output onto a larger screen or wall.

Plotter: creates a graph or chart output on a large sheet of paper.

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