IF Summary by Rudyard Kipling - Degree 1st Sem English

IF Summary by Rudyard Kipling - Degree 1st Sem English


Class: Degree 2nd year
Sem: Degree 3rd Sem
Subject: English
State: Telangana
Lesson: IF
Topic: if poem by Ruyard Kipling


IF - Poet:

Rudyard Kipling was an English author, poet, and journalist. He is known for works such as The Jungle Book, Kim, and poems like "If—", "Mandalay", and "Gunga Din". He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1907. Some criticise his works for their depiction of British imperialism and attitude towards race.

if poem summary, if poem pdf, if poem material, degree 1st sem english, degree 1st sem

"If" is a poem that offers a set of rules to live by, written in a didactic tone, with each stanza offering a lesson or piece of advice. The poem is often considered to be a masterpiece of inspirational verse and is one of the most famous poems by Rudyard Kipling. The poem's central theme is that of maintaining a strong and resilient spirit in the face of adversity.


The poem begins by describing a series of actions and attitudes that Kipling believes will lead to success in life. He urges the reader to "keep your head when all about you are losing theirs" and to "trust yourself when all men doubt you." These lines emphasize the importance of maintaining one's composure and self-confidence in difficult situations. The poem encourages the reader to be level-headed and to have faith in one's abilities, even when others around them may be losing control.

If poem Youtube Video Explanation - CLICK HERE

The second stanza encourages the reader to "never make a promise that you can't keep" and to "talk with crowds and keep your virtue." These lines emphasize the importance of honesty and integrity in one's relationships and interactions with others. The poem advises the reader to be honest and to maintain their values, even when interacting with others.


The third stanza advises the reader to "walk with kings, nor lose the common touch" and to "fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth of distance run." These lines emphasize the importance of being able to navigate different social situations and to make the most of one's time. The poem advises the reader to be adaptable and to make the most of their time, even in difficult situations.

The fourth stanza advises the reader to "play not with the sinners, nor with the vain," and to "control your temper." These lines emphasize the importance of avoiding negative influences and of keeping one's emotions in check. The poem advises the reader to avoid negative influences and to control their emotions, in order to maintain a positive outlook.

The poem concludes with the lines:

"If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth of distance run, yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, and—which is more—you'll be a Man, my son!"

This final stanza emphasizes the importance of making the most of one's time and of living up to one's potential. The poem encourages the reader to make the most of their time and to be the best version of themselves.

In summary, "If— " is a poem that offers a set of rules to live by, written in a didactic tone, with each stanza offering a lesson or piece of advice. The poem is often considered to be a masterpiece of inspirational verse, and is one of the most famous poems by Rudyard Kipling. The poem's central theme is that of maintaining a strong and resilient spirit in the face of adversity. Throughout the poem, Kipling encourages the reader to be resilient, honest, virtuous, and to make the most of every moment, so that one can be a true man or woman. The poem is a reminder that one's attitude, perspective and actions are the key factors that determine the outcome of one's life. It is a call to action, to be the best version of oneself, by making the most of one's time, by being honest, by avoiding negative influences and by being in control of one's emotions.


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