Dharmabandho Dauvarik Lesson - धर्मबद्धो दौवारिक - Sanskrit Degree 1 Sem

Dharmabandho Dauvarik Lesson - धर्मबद्धो दौवारिक - Sanskrit Degree 1 Sem



The lesson “धर्मबद्धो दौवारिक:” is extracted from the kavya "शिवराजविजयः ". This kavya was written by “श्री अम्बिकादत्तव्यासः”, (Ambikadattavyasa). This Poet respects Sanatana dharma and did well to all the people. He was known as a great Orator and sathavadhani. He was a talented poet.

Dharmabandho Dauvarik lesson, Dharmabandho Dauvarik degree 1 sem, Dharmabandho Dauvarik degree 1st sem sanskrit, Dharmabandho Dauvarik sanskrit lesson


Presently in this lesson, we can see the reality of a sentry (gatekeeper) who is doing his work honestly. There was a king named Shivaveera who resides in Pratap Durga. But, the army commander Afzal khan of Bijapur desired to conquer the kingdom and the king. So, he also camped near the fort with many soldiers to attack Shivaveera.

In this story, we see a sentry who was protecting the entrance of the fort of pratapadurga. He was carrying a knife on his shoulder and walked around at night. But, at that time sentry heard the sound of the footsteps of a man. Then he call-out with a loud voice “who is there? Who is there”? but no one replied to him. Then he immediately questioned again who is that? Approaching me without answering me like no one who is the deaf person desiring death”.

"क एष... माम् अनुत्तरयन् मुमूर्षुः समायाति बधिरः?" 

Then the person who is coming said like this “Oh Sentry! Why do you get angry unnecessarily, please control yourself. Sentry said, “don’t you know the orders of the king”? that whoever doesn’t answer when called or questioned by the gatekeeper three times is liable to death. Then the coming person said “please forgive me… I am coming. I will explain everything after I come to you.

" .. क्षम्यताम्... अहमागच्छामि। आगत्य च निखिलं निवेदयामि"

At that time, the sentry saw a saint and a little boy who was twelve years old was coming along with him. Then saint told to the sentry “Why are you so angry? And still, insulting the saints with harsh words”? Then sentry replied “oh saint! I will salute and bow down to you as you are a saint. But I got angry because you disobeyed the orders of the king. Then the saint tells that to allow women, children, scholars and saints inside the fort without any self-introduction.

After hearing those words of the saint, the sentry replied “Oh Saint!” what you are talking about is not correct. The reason is that we provide various protections to ascetics, sages, saints and brahmins in our kingdom. As we were servers of the king, we should follow the commandments of king Shivaji only.

"महाराजशिववीरस्य आज्ञां वयं शिरसावहामः"

Then the saint said to him whatever it might be but now I want to meet the king immediately. He asked the sentry to show the way. Sentry replied that it is not the right time to meet that great king at night time. So, he rejects him.

Gowrasimha (The chief of the army of Shivaveera) who was in the costume of a saint observed the honesty of the sentry and felt very happy. In other aspects, he wanted to test sentry once again.

He tried to attract the sentry and said “Oh Sentry”! I am a saint we wander in the forest and in caves. So, we know the study of Rasayana. If you allow me inside to meet the king, I will give you some mercury ash which turns the copper into gold. 

Having heard the words of the saint, the sentry rejected him and asked the cunning saint! Who sent you here? Why are you teaching me ungratefulness and treachery of master? He thinks that the saint was a spy of Afzal khan.

Then, the saint tries to prove to himself that he was not a spy nut sentry will not listen to the words of the saint. Then sentry puts his sword on the saint’s neck, holds him tightly and drags him towards the chief of the fort for punishment. As he moves forward, he recognizes the saint as Gowrasimha in the light of the flame and left him immediately, said Sir! Please forgive me for the rude behaviour of this ignorant gatekeeper. 

“क्षम्यताम्, अनुचितव्यवहारम् एतस्य ग्राम्यवराकस्य

Gowrasimha who was in the guise of a saint felt very happy after seeing the sincerity of the sentry. He appreciated him for his work and said you have been tested a lot by me. So, you are the deserving person for this position. Later, he went away from there to meet the king. Sentry proved his sincerity, righteousness, honesty and faithfulness in the test of Gowrasimha. 

'दीवारिका मया यशः परिक्षितोऽसि"

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