Kritne Nasti Niskriti Lesson - कृतने नास्ति निष्कृति - Sanskrit Degree 1st Sem

Kritne Nasti Niskriti Lesson - कृतने नास्ति निष्कृति - Sanskrit Degree 1st Sem



The lesson “कृतने नास्ति निष्कृतिः" is extracted from “LABDHAPRANASHA” of "पञ्चतन्त्रम्". It was written by the great scholar "विष्णुशर्मा". Panchatantra's book was praised by many scholars as an "Advisory Book". There are five parts in the book Panchatantra They are Mitralabha, Mitrabheda, Kakolukiya, Labdhapranasha and Aparikshitha Karaka. It helps to guide people on a good path and towards knowledge.

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There was a Jambolum tree on the sea shore and that tree has full of fruits on it. The monkey named Raktamukha resides on the tree. A crocodile named karalamukha used to live in the middle of the sea but one day it came out of the sea and relaxed under a tree. Then the monkey noticed him and said “oh! you came to our place as a guest so I will offer you some Jambolum fruits. 

While performing the Vaishwadeva ritual, whoever visits his house at that time, maybe a relative, enemy, fool or scholar says that they are his true relatives. He even gives a statement that if we respect each other, then we will go to heaven. 

"वैश्वदेवान्तमापन्नः सोनिधिः स्वर्गसङ्क्रमः"


After that, the monkey gave some fruits to him, and the crocodile ate the fruits happily and made friends with the monkey. Then, they both were meeting every day under the tree and spoke about many topics. Crocodile (KARALAMUKHA) eats some fruits there and gives the remaining fruits to his wife. One day the crocodile’s wife asks him “From where did you get these sweet fruits every day?” Then the crocodile says that I have a monkey friend named Raktamukha on the seashore, and he gives me these sweet fruits every day with love and affection. Then his wife told that “oh dear! The monkey always eats these sweet fruits, if these fruits are so tasty and sweet then his heart also be very tasty. If you love me, bring me that monkey’s heart as a gift for me.  So, after I ate that heart, I will overcome old age and become deathless then I can give you all the happiness and pleasures you have. 

"ईदृशानि फलानि भक्षयति तस्य हृदयम् अमृतमयं भविष्यति".

 After hearing those words, karalamukha said this is not right what you spoke because he is like a brother to me. Moreover, he also donates some fruits to me every day. So, it is not right to kill him. In this world, a brother is born from a mother and in another type, our speech gives birth to another brother. Elders say that a brother by words is more significant than a brother by blood. he also said that the monkey looked great to me so I can’t even give him as food to you. On hearing it, the female crocodile replied you never said no to my words. He is a monkey and we are crocodiles then how can you make friends with him when he doesn’t belong to our species. So, I have to eat the heart of that monkey. At last, the female crocodile convinced the male crocodile. So, he planned to kill the monkey.

"एक प्रसूयते माता द्वितीयं च वाक्यसूयते "


After a long time, karalamukha planned to kill the monkey and approaches him with a sad face. Then the monkey asks him why he came late today and he also enquires about the sadness of the crocodile. Karalamukha says that “friend! Today your sister-in-law scolded me with harsh words like You are doing me a favour but I did not do any favours in return to you and I did not invite you to our house. She scolds me with anger that there is no redemption for me. So, I delayed coming near you because of this fight. Your sister-in-law is waiting for us so please come to my house.

Scholars say - giving and receiving, telling and asking for secrets, eating food and offering food are the six characteristics of a friend.  

 Raktamukha said that it is correct what is spoken by my sister-in-law but this is not possible because we live in the forest and your house is in the middle of the sea. I can't come to the middle of the ocean, so you bring my sister-in-law to this shore. Then karalamukha replied that it is correct but our house is situated on a beautiful pond of sand. So, you sit on my back without any fear.

On hearing it, even the monkey sits happily on his back and says “oh! friend then why do you delay? I have already sat on your back. 

  Later, both of them were going fast into the sea. Then Raktamukha said to go slowly, I am afraid of the waves and may my body float in the waves. Then the crocodile replied “Oh friend! Forgive me actually I brought you here to kill. We have a craving to eat your sweetheart which is equal to vector. 


Even after hearing those words, the monkey is not afraid and had a great presence of mind. He cleverly said that, if you had told me this before I would have brought my heart because I always keep my heart carefully in the tree cavity. Then the crocodile says that “I will take you back there so you go can get your heart and come along with me”. Saying so, on his way back, as soon as he reached the shore, then immediately monkey jumped on the tree and felt very happy that he had saved his life. He thought that it is my second birth.  

So, the wise say - one should never trust untrustworthy people. Even those who are trustworthy should not be completely trusted. Because the harm caused by the believers will destroy us completely.

In that situation, the crocodile asked the monkey “friend! please give me your heart immediately. After we eat your heart so we will become as immortal. Then the monkey scolded him with anger “Oh! the fool does anyone has two hearts? You are ingratitude.  You tried to kill me after having the sweet fruits given by me. Just go away from here and come back to me again. 


A person whose mind is not destroyed when difficulties arise in work then he can escape from danger like a monkey stuck in the middle of the sea.

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