On his having Arrived at the Age of 23 by Jon Milton - Degree 1st Sem English

On his having Arrived at the Age of 23 by Jon Milton - Degree 1st Sem English


Class: Degree 1st year
Sem: Degree 1st Sem
Subject: English
State: Telangana
Lesson: On his having arrived at the age of 23
Topic: On his having arrived at the age of 23 Summary pdf

About Poet: -
The poem "On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three" was written by John Milton. He was born on 9 December 1608 in London.  He died on 8 November 1674. He was born into a middle-class family. He was written this poem at a crucial time in Milton’s life, just after completing his graduation from Cambridge. A famous figure after Shake’s sphere is John Milton. They lived in the 17th century. During his lifetime, he became known to the world as a great poet and a unique writer. Paradise Lost is considered a masterpiece of world literature. His works and poetry were written in Latin, Italian and Greek. John Milton The “Master of grand style” is one of the most popular poets in English.
on his having arrived at the age of 23, degree 1st sem, degree 1st sem english, english 1st sem degree, on having arrived at the age of 23 summary

On his having Arrived at the age of 23 SUMMARY: -

The author expresses his disappointment when he turns 23 years old. He feels regret and says that I have not succeeded yet, I have not achieved anything but I had come from my childhood to youth. The poet blames time and calls it the subtle thief of youth. He said that recently I became a poet and I have a lot of work to do, but time is too short as I already reached 23 years old.
He feels like he is not mature enough but his physical appearance shows that he has arrived at manhood. Milton acknowledges here that he is not deemed as mature as some of his contemporaries, but he expresses a strong desire to use his talents in a well-mannered and immovable faith in God’s will. I reached 23 years and time has passed like yesterday. He says that when I think I should be young or I should be old it actually depends on the time which is in God's hands. So, he ought to not have any regrets about it. He trusts that he is under the will of god and that time will give him great success. Milton dedicated his abilities to God as a faithful servant and God will make him successful at an appropriate time with his poetic powers. Milton was so faithful to God and wishes to be guided by divine will.
Milton says that whatever happened in his life had done under the supervision and care of God. Everything happened in the presence of God. Time which steeled his youth also brought him closer to God. Milton’s journey is really from questioning to knowledge. He seemed like a true devotee and a good servant to his Task Master, God.
Finally, Milton realised that whatever God does for our good. He declares that “Just are always of God and justifiable to men." 

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