Jadav Payeng Lesson summary - Degree sem 3

Jadav Payeng Lesson summary - Degree sem 3

Class: Degree 2nd year
Sem: Degree 3rd Sem
State: Telangana
Subject: ENGLISH
Year - 2023 Syllabus
Lesson: Jadav Payeng

Topic - Jadav Payeng Summary Pdf

jadav payeng, jadav payeng summary, jadav payeng lesson, degree 3rd sem english

Jadav Payeng is also known as The "Forest Man of India," he has dedicated 40 years to planting trees and converting Barren land into a lush forest. It all began in 1979 when he noticed some dead snakes washed up after a flood in the Brahmaputra River. He was concerned about the consequences of soil erosion and a lack of tree cover. Then he took the action.

He first participated in a tree-planting event on Majuli Island, the biggest river island in the world. He planted trees even after the official project was abandoned. He was a  single worker for thirty years, rising up early in the morning to plant and tend to trees. He even discontinued the school for this aim and mission.

Now a thriving ecosystem, Jadav's forest, also called Molai Forest. Molai Forest is home to a variety of wildlife, including tigers, deer, and elephants. It wasn't known to anybody until 2008, when a herd of elephants arrived in this forest that made the forest known to everyone and became very famous. Officials were taken aback when they learned it was the single man's creation. Additionally, Jadav opposed the locals' plans to clear the forest and keep poachers away.

His main goal was planting and conserving the forest. For a living, Jadav grows vegetables and sells milk. He does not hate animals and believes in the natural food chain, even though tigers have claimed some of his cattle. His work has attracted the attention of officials from all over the world. He was  awarded the Padma Shri and the title of "Forest Man of India." In addition, many books and documentaries are taken under the inspiration of Jadav Payeng.

In conclusion, Jadav Payeng is a real-life example of how one individual can have a big influence on the environment. He created a forest out of a barren area that gave many animals a place to live And motivated people across the world. He sees his work as an endless cycle of preserving nature, and he thinks that planting trees should be a part of the education of the next generation. His body of work demonstrates the value of perseverance and self-motivation.

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