Mallika Srinivasan Summary in English - Degree sem 3

Mallika Srinivasan Summary in English - Degree sem 3

Class: Degree 2nd year
Sem: Degree 3rd Sem
State: Telangana
Subject: ENGLISH
Lesson: Mallika Srinivasan

Topic - Mallika Srinivasan Summary

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Mallika Srinivasan is a well-known figure in the Indian tractor industry. She has received several honors and currently serves as CEO of TAFE (Tractor and Farm Equipment Limited). In fact, she was known as the "Tractor Queen." Mallika was raised in a business household and has always been curious about learning about it. Her father advised her to pursue literature, but she decided to study economics instead, and she later graduated with an MBA from a prestigious US university in the United States.

Her father told her to work hard to gain a special place in the family business when she joined it in 1986. Her workplace was a little room at the end of the hall. The fact that she possessed an advanced degree did not impress her father or the other employees. She began applying the knowledge that she had gained from others and studies with more experience in the industry to aid in the expansion of the firm.

Her leadership helped the business to achieve great success. They began producing more tractors and even acquired a larger business. Mallika made wise decisions - for example: even when money was tight, she invested in innovative ideas. This allowed TAFE to turn a profit while other businesses were having trouble.
Nevertheless, Mallika did face significant challenges as the business expanded quickly. Her father passed away in the late 2000s. Her father had been her rock, her anchor, the one who always helped her to go in the right direction and was there to offer guidance and constructive criticism.

In fact, she had always been inspired by his remarks to push TAFE to take the lead in the tractor industry. Her sister died a few months after her father. She experienced two significant losses in her family, but she managed to lead the business without allowing her sorrow and pain to her obligations to the company. Her mother passed away in 2008. The family Mallika Srinivasan had known as a child had passed away. Despite everything, she managed to take over the family business with grace and dignity. Many of her staff members found inspiration in the way she ran the business during that time.

Mallika Srinivasan has put a lot of effort into making TAFE, a modern business that farmers would find appealing. She invested money in developing new models and maintaining an advantage over her rivals. In 2005, she acquired Eicher Motors, a different business that aided in TAFE's expansion. To reach a wider audience, Mallika established a factory in Turkey in 2010 to supply Africa. Also, she collaborated with AGCO Corporation to market products in the US, establishing TAFE as a Global brand.

Mallika maintained its focus on exporting goods, even in the most difficult economic times. This tactic assisted the business in generating revenue and opening up new avenues. TAFE's turnover increased significantly under her direction. It was worth Rs 86 crore in 1986 and Rs 5800 crore in 2010. A significant factor in this achievement was Mallika's wise choices. Mallika demonstrated remarkable strength and leadership qualities even in the face of personal tragedies like the loss of a family member. She didn't let her sadness get in the way of making sure the company did well. She also considered how to maintain the company's positive growth by investing funds in new concepts and research, even during difficult times.


Ultimately, Mallika's leadership at TAFE is renowned for her commitment to growth, and ability to connect with people everywhere. In her field, she is referred to as the "Tractor Queen" due to her perseverance and vision.

In conclusion, Mallika Srinivasan's entrepreneurial success story is motivational. It's not just about her accomplishments; she's a shining example of what can be accomplished with hard work and good citizenship.

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