Consonant clusters - Degree 4th sem English Grammar

Consonant clusters - Degree 4th sem English Grammar


What are Consonant Clusters

Consonant clusters are groups of two or more consonant sounds that are produced sequentially with no intervening vowel sounds. They are the usual item in many languages, for example English. The English language contains consonant clusters like "st" in "start," "str" in "street," and "spl" in "splash. "

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Consonant clusters can differ having respect to the place they occupy within a word (initial, medial or final), and also their inconsistency. In some groups, it is smoother going, and in others, it will be harder for certain language speakers or those who do not have strong phonological skills. 

In linguistics, the study of consonant clusters is a part of a bigger field of phonology which deals with the organization and patterns of sounds in languages. The linguists may, for instance, identify consonant clusters and see their distribution, phonotactic limits and the role of clusters in the whole sound structure and of the language.

Here are some examples of Consonant Clusters:

(Along with their phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA):

1. "start" /stɑːrt/ - [stɑːrt]

2. "street" /striːt/ - [striːt]

3. "splash" /splæʃ/ - [splæʃ]

4. "branch" /bræntʃ/ - [bræntʃ]

5. "climb" /klaɪm/ - [klaɪm]

6. "prompt" /prɒmpt/ - [prɒmpt]

7. "twist" /twɪst/ - [twɪst]

8. "strength" /streŋθ/ - [streŋθ]

9. "sprint" /sprɪnt/ - [sprɪnt]

10. "squeeze" /skwiːz/ - [skwiːz]

11. "clasp" /klæsp/ - [klæsp]

12. "crunch" /krʌntʃ/ - [krʌntʃ]

13. "skirt" /skɜːrt/ - [skɜːrt]

14. "blimp" /blɪmp/ - [blɪmp]

15. "glimpse" /ɡlɪmp/ - [ɡlɪmp]

16. "strand" /strænd/ - [strænd]

17. "scrape" /skreɪp/ - [skreɪp]

18. "twelve" /twɛlv/ - [twɛlv]

19. "thrill" /θrɪl/ - [θrɪl]

20. "scrunch" /skrʌntʃ/ - [skrʌntʃ]

21. "snarl" /snɑːrl/ - [snɑːrl]

22. "clumsy" /ˈklʌmzi/ - [ˈklʌmzi]

23. "strand" /strænd/ - [strænd]

24. "smudge" /smʌdʒ/ - [smʌdʒ]

25. "froth" /frɒθ/ - [frɒθ]

26. "glove" /ɡlʌv/ - [ɡlʌv]

27. "swamp" /swɒmp/ - [swɒmp]

28. "drizzle" /ˈdrɪzəl/ - [ˈdrɪzəl]

29. "glove" /ɡlʌv/ - [ɡlʌv]

30. "twelfth" /twɛlfθ/ - [twɛlfθ]

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