Define Cyber Threat? And various types of Cyber Threats - Degree 6th semester

Define Cyber Threat? And various types of Cyber Threats - Degree 6th semester


What is Cyber Threat?

A cyber threat refers to a malicious or harmful action taken by an individual or organization to disrupt digital life. It encompasses various activities such as damaging data, stealing data, or disrupting digital systems.

Cyber Warfare

Cyber warfare is the term used for digital attacks and techniques used by nations, states, or other factors to damage or gain unauthorized access to the computer systems or networks of another nation. It involves the deliberate targeting of critical infrastructure, military systems, or government networks to access strategic objectives. Cyber warfare can consist of activities such as hacking, spreading malware, service attacks, and engaging in espionage or propaganda campaigns.

Cyber Crime

Cybercrime refers to criminal activities conducted through digital resources. It involves the use of computers, networks, or the internet to commit illegal activities, such as fraud, identity theft, hacking, or spreading malware. Cybercriminals often target individuals, businesses, or organizations to gain financial benefits or access sensitive information.

Cyber Terrorism

Cyberterrorism involves the use of digital attacks to create fear, panic, or disruption for ideological, political, or religious purposes. It typically involves the intentional targeting of critical infrastructure, government systems, or public services to cause widespread damage or harm. The impact of cyberterrorism can range from financial losses to endangering public safety.

Cyber Espionage

Cyber espionage refers to the unauthorized access, theft, or manipulation of sensitive information or intellectual property through digital means. It involves the covert gathering of classified or proprietary data for political, economic, or military advantage. The impact of cyber espionage can be significant, leading to economic losses, compromised national security, or damage to diplomatic relations.

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